Nik's Learning Technology Blog

What is it about?

Nik's blog is an informative blog about learning technologies for English language teachers. The blog posts articles regularly to cope with the technology race and to raise awareness about modern educational advancements.
The blog is created by an experienced blogger, Nik Peachey. Nik's educational experience refers back to the 1990s and he has worked in different contexts around the world. Beside being a blogger, Nik is also an author, a technology consultant and a teacher trainer. He is currently the Head of learning of an online language school called English UP.

Navigation Facilities

The blog is easy to explore with simple clicks to guide teachers to their desired parts. There are five headings including the main page (which normally shows the most recent posts), More Articles, About Me, Nik On Twitter and Buy my Books. At the bottom of the post, where relevant, there's a subheading called "Related links" where you can go to postings of similar interest. On the right hand side, we can find useful advertisements for teachers, postings in a chronological order and a box of all the themes treated, with bigger font for the most visited articles. To make it even easier, there is a searching box if you know the name of the post/article you're looking for. Nik also offers his newsletter, all you need to do is to type your email in the subscription box and get your version sent to your email. All these services are provided for FREE.

Teacher's Friendly Guidance

Whether you visit the blog without a clear idea of what you want to read about, or you have a particular interest of an ICT teaching kit, you will gain some fruitful knowledge. The articles address the topics both directly and critically. Links of further explanations are provided for deeper understanding. Images are scattered to help leading teachers to their intended destinations. In addition, the articles follow a step-by-step style allowing you to practise as you read. Videos are shown in some articles adding a visual interactive aspect to the posts. Still doesn't work? You needn't worry because there is a space to comment below the blog. It can also be used to reflect on the article or discuss its content.

Give it a try

You can have a better insight of the blog by paying a visit to


  1. Hi mohammed! First one to comment on your blog hehe.

    Yeah, I also find Nik's blog very inspiring. Check out Larry's blog too, it's got loads of materials.

  2. I do agree with your opinions about Nik's blog. So easy and simple to find resources but has critical view on tools. :)

  3. Mohammed,

    I like this post.You summaries the features of Nik's blog. I like its design as well, which looks cool. :p

  4. Hi, Mohammed!
    Thanks for the clear and concise overview of Nik's blog! I like how you have a positive take on reviewing the blog, it makes you appear as a friendly blogger! :)
